Migration from v2 to v3

Changes to Existing Methods


  • shortner parameter has been removed. Please see Issue #298.


  • kwarg param has been changed to status_id from id to be consistent with other method calls and avoid shadowing builtin function id.


  • kwarg param has been changed to status_id from id to be consistent with other method calls and avoid shadowing builtin function id.


  • Kwarg id has been changed to user_id in order to avoid shadowing a builtin and be more descriptive.


  • kwarg id has been changed to status_id in keeping with the rest of the Api and to avoid shadowing a builtin.


  • Method no longer accepts parameters user_id or screen_name as these are not honored by Twitter. The data returned will be for the authenticated user only.
  • Parameter cursor is no longer accepted – this method will return all users being blocked by the currently authenticated user. If you need paging, please use twitter.api.Api.GetBlocksPaged() instead.


  • Method no longer honors a count or cursor parameter. These have been deprecated in favor of making this method explicitly a convenience function to return a list of every twitter.User who is following the specified or authenticated user. A warning will be raised if count or cursor is passed with the expectation that breaking behavior will be introduced in a later version.
  • Method now takes an optional parameter of total_count, which limits the number of users to return. If this is not set, the data returned will be all users following the specified user.
  • The kwarg include_user_entities now defaults to True. This was set to False previously, but would not be included in query parameters sent to Twitter. Without the query parameter in the URL, Twitter would default to returning user_entities, so this change makes this behavior explicit.


  • The third value of the tuple returned by this method is now a list of twitter.User objects in accordance with its doc string rather than the raw data from API.
  • The kwarg include_user_entities now defaults to True. This was set to False previously, but would not be included in query parameters sent to Twitter. Without the query parameter in the URL, Twitter would default to returning user_entities, so this change makes this behavior explicit and consistent with the previously ambiguous behavior.


  • Method no longer honors a count or cursor parameter. These have been deprecated in favor of making this method explicitly a convenience function to return a list of every twitter.User who is followed by the specified or authenticated user. A warning will be raised if count or cursor is passed with the expectation that breaking behavior will be introduced in a later version.
  • Method now takes an optional parameter of total_count, which limits the number of users to return. If this is not set, the data returned will be all users followed by the specified user.
  • The kwarg include_user_entities now defaults to True. This was set to False previously, but would not be included in query parameters sent to Twitter. Without the query parameter in the URL, Twitter would default to returning user_entities, so this change makes this behavior explicit.


  • The third value of the tuple returned by this method is now a list of twitter.User objects in accordance with its doc string rather than the raw data from API.
  • The kwarg include_user_entities now defaults to True. This was set to False previously, but would not be included in query parameters sent to Twitter. Without the query parameter in the URL, Twitter would default to returning user_entities, so this change makes this behavior explicit.


  • No longer accepts cursor parameter. If you require granular control over the paging of the twitter.list.List members, please user twitter.api.Api.GetListMembersPaged instead.


  • Kwarg id has been changed to status_id in keeping with the rest of the Api and to avoid shadowing a builtin.


  • Kwarg id has been changed to status_id in keeping with the rest of the Api and to avoid shadowing a builtin.


  • Adds raw_query method. See Raw Queries for more information.


  • Kwarg id has been changed to woeid in order to avoid shadowing a builtin and be more descriptive.


  • Parameter ‘stall_warning’ is now ‘stall_warnings’ in line with GetStreamFilter and Twitter’s naming convention. This should now actually return stall warnings, whereas it did not have any effect previously.


  • Method will now accept a list for either user_id or screen_name. The list can contain either ints, strings, or twitter.user.User objects for either user_id or screen_name.
  • Return value is a list of twitter.user.UserStatus objects.


  • Now accepts three new parameters: media, media_additional_owners, and media_category. media can be a URL, a local file, or a file-like object (something with a read() method), or a list of any combination of the above.
  • media_additional_owners should be a list of user ids representing Twitter users that should be able to use the uploaded media in their tweets. If you pass a list of media, then additional owners will apply to each object. If you need more granular control, please use the UploadMedia* methods.
  • media_category: Only for use with the AdsAPI. See https://dev.twitter.com/ads/creative/promoted-video-overview if this applies to your application.


  • Kwarg original_id has been changed to status_id in order to avoid shadowing a builtin and be more descriptive.



  • This endpoint is deprecated by Twitter. Python-twitter will throw a warning about using the method and advise you to use PostUpdate() instead. There is no schedule for when this will be removed from Twitter.


  • This method should be replaced by passing a list of media objects (either URLs, local files, or file-like objects) to PostUpdate. You are limited to a maximum of 4 media files per tweet.

New Methods


  • Returns all the users currently blocked by the authenticated user as user IDs. The user IDs will be integers.


  • Returns one page, specified by the cursor parameter, of the users currently blocked by the authenticated user as user IDs.


  • Allows you to page through the currently authenticated user’s blocked users. Method returns three values: the next cursor, the previous cursor, and a list of twitter.User instances representing the blocked users.


  • Allows you to page through a the members of a given twitter.list.List.
  • cursor parameter operates as with other methods, denoting the page of members that you wish to retrieve.
  • Returns next_cursor, previous_cursor, and a list containing the users that are members of the given twitter.list.List.


  • Much like twitter.api.Api.GetFriendsPaged() and similar methods, this allows you to retrieve an arbitrary page of twitter.list.List for either the currently authenticated user or a user specified by user_id or screen_name.
  • cursor should be -1 for the first page.
  • Returns the next_cursor, previous_cursor, and a list of twitter.list.List instances.


  • API method allows chunked upload to upload.twitter.com. Similar to Api.PostMedia(), this method can take either a local filename (str), a URL (str), or a file-like object. The image or video type will be determined by mimetypes (see twitter.twitter_utils.parse_media_file() for details).
  • Optionally, you can specify a chunk_size for uploads when instantiating the Api object. This should be given in bytes. The default is 1MB (that is, 1048576 bytes). Any chunk_size given below 16KB will result in a warning: Twitter will return an error if you try to upload more than 999 chunks of data; for example, if you are uploading a 15MB video, then a chunk_size lower than 15729 bytes will result in 1000 APPEND commands being sent to the API, so you’ll get an error. 16KB seems like a reasonable lower bound, but if your use case is well-defined, then python-twitter will not enforce this behavior.
  • Another thing to take into consideration: if you’re working in a RAM-constrained environment, a very large chunk_size will increase your RAM usage when uploading media through this endpoint.
  • The return value will be the media_id of the uploaded file.


  • Provides the ability to upload a single media file to Twitter without using the ChunkedUpload endpoint. This method should be used on smaller files and reduces the roundtrips from Twitter from three (for UploadMediaChunked) to one.
  • Return value is the media_id of the uploaded file.